
A MLK Sick Day

I am officially "under the weather"! This stinks! Most people wouldn't mind laying in bed all day but that is NOT what I wanted to be doing today. I had a list a mile long of errands I wanted to get done while Landry was at the babysitter, but none of that happened. I am not sure what I have other than a nasty cold. I called the doctor this morning and they can't see me until tomorrow...so much for that! My little girl is being super supportive and really sweet. She was happy to put her jammies on at 6:00 and lay in bed with me. I just pray she doesn't get sick. She is telling me, "I sick momma, I sick". I know she is fine she is just repeating what I have said to her.

Now for the real reason I'm so bummed to be sick. Typically Monday night is my "girls night" with my neighbors we drink wine while adding our own commentary to The Bachelor. Tonight this will be my beverage of choice...Orange Juice and Sprite! My mom swears the drink will heal any cold, Trey doubts her but I believe anything she says!

I may be watching with a 23 month old tonight but I am NOT going to miss it! Isn't he cute!

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